Hosting Solution

Colocation Web Hosting

When you colocate, you rent rack space from a data center. You bring in your own server hardware and they provide power, cooling, physical security, and an internet uplink

Dedicated Web Server

When you have a dedicated server, it means you are renting one physical server from a hosting company. You can have full control (called "root" permissions in Linux) if you want it.

Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Virtual private servers share one physical server but act like multiple, separate servers. A VPS is a stepping stone between shared hosting and getting your own dedicated machine

Managed Hosting Services

It is true that nowadays everyone wants the IT team just to work. In reality, the IT team’s overall performance gets hampered by investing significant amount of time in keeping the lights on, doing daily operations, managing vendors, and a lot more. With us at Kalkey, you can rely on us as an expert managed dedicated hosting provider, and we assist you to perform all the important tasks that you fail to do, rather prefer not to in an attempt to get maximum value from the IT investment.

  • Monitoring of server
  • Enhanced security assistance
  • Round the clock Support
  • Automated backups

Global Footprint for Global Solutions

We want you to feel confident enough in hosting critical applications of your business in KalKey’s managed hosting platform dedicated for every business with cent percent availability assured. We mainly collaborate with Tier 1 backbone service providers in order to create an adaptive and robust setting of the enterprise-grade network, which gets managed through advanced networking and data center specialists. In order to increase the overall performance and reduce latency, we also proactively monitor the overall performance of the network and route users to the fastest connection.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting provides significant capital and operational savings to organizations because they don’t have to spend a lot on the initial upfront capital cost associated with owning and managing data centers. Also, long-term data retention becomes a more simplified process, eliminating the costly management of disks and tape systems.

Serverless Hosting

Serverless hosting is a process of eliminating servers from distributed applications. Serverless architecture refers to a kind of illusion, originally made for the sake of developers whose software will be hosted in the public cloud, but which extends to the way people eventually use that software.

Containerization deployment and hosting

Containerization is an application or system distribution method that isolates the application or system and its dependencies from the underlying infrastructure. It is an OS-level virtualization that allows users to deploy and run distributed applications or systems in containers without launching an entire virtual machine for each app.

Private cloud hosting

Private cloud hosting is a computing model that offers a proprietary environment dedicated to a single business entity. As with other types of cloud computing environments, private cloud provides extended, virtualized computing resources via physical components stored on-premises or at a vendor’s data center.

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