Security Compliances: Next-Level Security for Cardholder Data Protection


Microsoft Holding Ltd,
Australia Area


IT Consultation, UI/UX Design, Cloud Service


February 25th, 2022


Logan Cee – Designer
Martin Moussa – iOS Developer

Awesome Features

Comprehensive Asset Inventory
Effective Network Segmentation
Robust Firewall and
VLAN Configurations
Encryption and
Tokenization Solutions
Automated Vulnerability Scans


Challenges in Implementing Cybersecurity with Saluni Project Phase II:

  • Comprehensive Asset Inventory: Difficulty in maintaining a detailed overview of systems handling Cardholder Data Environment (CDE). Real-time updates to asset inventory pose logistical challenges.
  • Effective Network Segmentation: Ensuring complete isolation of CDE to minimize potential attack surfaces. Complexity in implementing and managing segmentation strategies across the network.
  • Robust Firewall and VLAN Configurations:Configuring and maintaining firewalls and VLANs to secure CDE effectively. Ensuring consistency in firewall rules and VLAN configurations across the infrastructure.
  • Encryption and Tokenization Solutions:Complexity of understanding and implementing encryption algorithms and tokenization techniques. Integration of these solutions into existing systems without impacting performance.
  • Automated Vulnerability Scans:Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities across a diverse and dynamic environment. Integrating vulnerability scanning tools into the operational workflow effectively.

Our Solution

Solutions that aligned with PCI DSS guidelines:

Implement automated asset discovery and management tools. Integrate with continuous monitoring systems for real-time updates.

Utilize network segmentation tools and methodologies. Implement strict access controls and monitor traffic between segments.

Follow best practices for firewall rule management and VLAN setup. Regularly review and update configurations based on security policies.

Deploy strong encryption algorithms (e.g., AES-256) for data protection. Implement tokenization to protect sensitive data at rest and in transit.

Utilize automated vulnerability scanning tools with scheduling capabilities. Integrate scanning results into a centralized vulnerability management system.

Business Key Features

  • *
    Comprehensive Asset Inventory: Detailed overview of systems handling CDE, updated in real-time.
  • *
    Effective Network Segmentation: Strategies and tools for isolating CDE to minimize attack surface.
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    Robust Firewall and VLAN Configurations: Best practices and tools for configuring firewalls and VLANs to secure CDE.
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    Encryption and Tokenization Solutions: Detailed explanation of encryption algorithms and tokenization techniques used.
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    Automated Vulnerability Scans: Tools and methodologies for conducting regular vulnerability assessments.
  • *
    Advanced IDS/IPS with Logging: Monitoring and response capabilities for detecting and mitigating intrusions.
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    Professional Penetration Testing Services: Information on scheduled penetration tests and their outcomes.
  • *
    Automated Patch Management: Systems and processes for ensuring timely application of security patches.
  • *
    Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC): Implementation strategies for enforcing least privilege access.
  • *
    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Implementation: Guidance on implementing MFA to enhance authentication security.

Technology – [Tools]

Network Segmentation – [AlgoSec, Tufin]

Firewalls – [SkyBox, Firewall Builder, AlgoSec]

VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) – [SNMP, NetFlow, Nmap]

Encryption – [AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)]


Vulnerability Scanning – [Nessus, OpenVAS, NMap, Qualys Guard]

Penetration Testing – [Kali Linux, NMap, Nessus]

Patch Management – [GFI LanGuard, ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus]

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) – [JumpCloud Protect]

Least Privilege Management Tools – [Regulatory standards HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR]

Logger for IDS/IPS – [OSSEC, Snort]



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